Sunday was our first Father's Day without Damien. Luckily, I didn't realize that is was going to be Father's Day until the day before, so I didn't have a lot of time to dwell on it. But that didn't make it any less sad. I took Colin over the the Memorial Park in the morning, and we put some pretty purple flowers by Damien's plaque. The park was quite crowded, with lots of people gathered around their loved ones' grave sites and memorials. In a strange way, that made me feel less alone. Not less sad, just less alone. We shared some milk and donuts while spending time with Dada.

The last two pictures were taken January 2009, before we had any clue what was about to happen. Damien was so happy to be a dad & loved Colin with all his heart ... he truly was the best daddy ever!
I spent a lot of time looking a pictures on the computer of Damien with Colin, which brings back great memories, although still hard to deal with at this time.
That afternoon, I took Colin to Nana & Pop-Pop's house, and we went out to dinner.
Another "first" has come and gone. I can hardly believe it, but it's coming up on a year. I still have the weird "it just happened yesterday and yet it happened so long ago" feeling. It's hard. There's not much else I can say. Each day comes and goes, each with it's share of joy and sorrow. And it's harder than anyone can imagine who hasn't been through it. And there's no way for me to explain it. It's just hard.
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