Thank you to everyone who has called, sent emails & messages, or spent time with us on this day. Your words and friendship mean the world to me, this past year, today, and always.
Acceptance ... I think that's where I am now. My day to day life has become easier, mostly because I'm used to the way things are. I've accepted that this is the way things are for us, that I cannot change that, and that I must move forward, for both Colin & myself. But still not a day goes by that I don't think of Damien, or that my heart doesn't still ache for him. It just seems that I can deal with things a little better now. I try to keep a positive outlook. I have hopes for a happy and peaceful future. I continue to strive to heal.
So this morning, a few friends came by bearing bagel sandwichs and good company. I then took Colin over to Damien's Memorial to leave some flowers. This afternoon we will be heading up to L.A. to hang out with Richard & Angela. We've decided that today should be a "Celebration of Life" day. So we will find something fun to do. I know that's what he would want.
More on that tomorrow.
With much Love & Aloha,