But one thing I know for sure is that he is present and that he is so grateful that everyone has taken such good care of me. So at this 10 week mark, I wanted to take the time to thank everyone for all that they've done ...
For all the phone calls to make sure that I'm doing OK
For all the food that has filled our pantry, fridge, and freezer
For all the diapers, wipes, food, and other necessities for the baby
For all the cat food, litter, treats, and attention to my other "kids" to make sure they are OK too
For all the visits to our home, to talk, laugh, cry, share stories, or just simply to "be here" for me
For all the cleaning of our home ... sweeping, dishes, laundry, scrubbing, and general picking up of stuff
For making all the phone calls that I couldn't
For stealing me away from the house for a while, just to get out
For the flowers & cards that filled our home
For watching & entertaining Colin so I could get things done
For helping me make the difficult decisions
For the advice & suggestions
For jumping in and helping out whenever needed
For taking care of things without hesitation
For the endless love & support from family & friends, as well as complete strangers who have reached out to me
And most of all, to everyone who came to Damien's Memorial Service, who travelled from near and far, who filled the chapel beyond capacity to say goodbye to a wonderful man ... I am forever grateful & truly thankful ... my heart was filled by all the people who loved Damien & who considered him a friend.
And a special Thank You to my dear friend Denise X, who started this blog in memory of Damien, as a place I can continue to share memories with everyone, and write of the journey I now embark on ... what a wonderful thing for Colin to be able to read one day
And especially to Linda (my sis), Richard, and Angela, who were there with me (and Damien) that night
Thank you all so very much!
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